February started out with the passing of Dallin's sweet grandma. She (along with the rest of the Mitchell family) have always made me feel so welcome. We have spent a lot of time recently talking about all of the memories that Dallin has of her, and all that she has taught him. The funeral was inspiring. Dallin's dad talked about how Grandma Barbara will still be taking care of her posterity by watching over all the unborn children. Dallin and I like to think that she is taking good care of our future children.
My sister-in-law and I went straight from the funeral to California for a week to babysit Dallin's cousin's 3 {ridiculously adorable} children while they went on a cruise. They were so fun. I didn't think that it was possible, but I am even more baby hungry than I was before. I would love to life in California one day... it is beautiful. Plus, we got to have a beach day in February!

I got home just in time for Valentine's day, aka day of Dallin's root canal. So romantic. $1,300 later, Dallin no longer needs to live on Ibuprofen in order to not rip his tooth out. We spent dinner that night with some of our friends. This is my 3rd Valentine's Day with Dallin as my Dallintine. Having a perma-valentine rocks, especially when he spoils me.
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Year 2 |
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Year 3 |
I am getting used to Henderson and am starting to feel like I have a life here. It is perrrrfect running weather, and I am going to start subbing soon. Dallin is still having an affair with med school-- but he still finds time to hang out with me sometimes :)
Facetiming with my family was just not cutting it, so we made a trip to Salt Lake over the long weekend. It was sososo fun. Right after we got there we went with my entire family to drive by my sister's crushes... with my dad driving. Saturday we went up snowboarding with Maren and Jackie. It was perfect! We wish we could go up more often. We spent the rest of the weekend exploring the new downtown Harmon's (which is SWEET, by the way), playing telestrations, seeing friends, eating Cafe Rio, and getting pedicures. I also found out that Dallin it pretty good at nail painting; it must be the steady hand... maybe he should be a surgeon. Favorite quote of the trip-- mom: "I had a huge crush on my gynecologist, that's why we had Jackie!"
We are currently looking forward to:
-Elder Outsen coming home in March
-Elder Mitchell coming home in April
-CABO (!!!) for 2 weeks in May