Lots of good stuff to report from the last little bit!
1- My doctor has found a medication that helps me keep food in my stomach a lot of the time. It is wonderful.
2- We had another ultrasound on Thursday. It was on the big screen and everything. I thought that our last one was cool, but it has been quite a while and our baby has changed so much. We could see his spine and hands and feet and brain and cutest little profile and could count all 5 fingers! (No, I am pretty sure that wasn't a run-on sentence). It was the coolest. Also, we saw that our little baby is for sure a boy, and is not at all shy about it. Dallin was skipping the entire rest of the day. We are pretty dang excited, to say the least.
We managed to keep it a secret for a couple of days until we visited my family in Salt Lake. We threw a little gender reveal party on Saturday night and had everyone (especially my mom) surprised. Dallin's family was also in town, and it turned out so fun!
3- Dallin finished his first year of med school on Friday!! What an accomplishment. He was able to breath this weekend for the first time in 9 months. He really enjoys school, but it will be so nice to have a break until August (his only summer off).
4- We went on a little getaway to SLC this weekend for a finishingfirstyearofmedschool/sam'sbirthday/babygenderreveal celebration. We ate at the blue lemon, went to a dance party, saw movies with my family, ate BLUE cupcakes, watched my brother speak in church, went to Maren's seminary graduation, opened birthday presents, saw friends, and took a nap. It was so fun... I love being there.
5- Since I got pregnant I have really wanted a new camera to take pictures of the baby when he is born. Dallin keeps telling me that it is more important that we get a new Ipad. We have been arguing about it for some time. This weekend he surprised me with a Cannon Rebel for an early birthday present... and it might count for both of our Christmas' too. I am so excited about it! I also got patio furniture from my parents for (hopefully) our new house. Oh yes, and we put an offer on a house in Henderson... still waiting to hear back... and slightly freaking out about it.
Dallin took this pic with our new camera of his parent's pool. |
6- Last good word of the day... we are leaving for Cabo in t-minus 12 hours!