Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Last week Cal & I headed to SLC so that I could run the Ogden marathon. 

Maren went through the Jordan River Temple the night that I got there, and I was so glad to be able to go through with her. (Thanks to Alex & Jackie for babysitting).

Jackie & I stayed with  Lisa and Liisa Frei at Liisa's brother's house the night before the marathon. I was kind of a wreck being away from Cal overnight/being nervous about the marathon. Mostly about being away from Cal for my first time. I took it way harder than he did though, and was an angel baby for my parents the whole time. It started pouring when we were on the bus driving to the start, and rained while we were waiting at the top. I was kind of worried about the weather, but (besides my shoes being wet) the rain was actually kind of nice. It rained almost the whole race. I loved the first 10 miles or so, then I hit a wall around mile 11. It made me soo nervous since I wasn't even halfway. I got a second wind around mile 16 and LOVED the last 10 miles of the race. It was so, so fun to have energy at the end and it is a really beautiful course. I felt great even the last few miles and had a much better experience than the last time I ran this marathon. 

The marathon, however, was NOT the coolest thing to happen that day. My parents were waiting with Cal right after the finish line. I was on a high from finishing and was so excited to see Cal! When I made eye contact with him he said, "mama!" for the first time! His first word! It was epic. Naturally, I started bawling. It was so awesome. He was crying while he said it and I am pretty sure he doesn't know what it means, but still. Best moment ever. 

I ran the first 5 or so miles with Jackie. I was proud of her for finishing without hardly training! She says she is going to do it every year.
Jackie and me at the finish line
Cal having a sleepover with his papa and grandma special

Waiting at the finish line with his foot up
 Kassi is one of the best friends that I made while I was up at Utah State. We became great friends my freshman year and decided to live together the next year. We became really close while we lived together, then she left to serve a mission in New Jersey. She married an awesome guy when she got home, then, while she was 6 months pregnant, found out that she had a brain tumor. She had it removed the next day and later discovered that it is stated 3/4 cancer. It breaks my heart every time I think about it, but I cannot believe how much of a rock Kassi has been through this whole ordeal. She will have to start treatments right after she has her baby. I am in awe of how positive and upbeat she is. She is an inspiration to me and I am excited for her baby girl to get here. I was lucky enough to get to see her while I was in town and she got to meet Cal for the first time.

Other things that happened while I was in SLC...
-Lots and lots of hot tubing... Cal is obsessed
-Visiting Rachel & Andy
-Lunch with Amy
-Riley Guzy's farewell
-Lunch with Lauren ev in Provo
-My birthday dinner with family
-Hobbes and Cal getting to go on lots of walks with uncle Alex
-Brick oven with my mom, Max, Steph, & Cal
-Cal starting to babble for the first time
-Noodles & Co. with Angela, Ashley Macpherson and her cute Lily
-Stopping in St. George on the way home

Applesauce covering every square inch of his body
Eating a pickle at Cravings

Monday, May 13, 2013

Mother's Day

Last Mother's Day I was pregnant and anxiously awaiting the arrival of our little babe. I could not stop thinking about what his little personality would be like, what he would look like, etc. Having Cal in our home has exceeded my expectations. Sometimes I cannot believe he is ours. 

I had such a nice first Mother's Day. Dallin surprised me with tickets to see the broadway show 'Rock of Ages' at the Venitian on Saturday night. It was so incredible!! I wish we lived in the 80s. I loved every second of it! (Thanks to Max and his friend for babysitting). Dal got up early and made breakfast on Sunday morning. Cal was especially cute yesterday! Not really at church... he kind of hates church. After we got home he was super smiley and even cuddled with me, which is rare for his little busy self. He must have known that it was Mother's Day.
Rock of Ages
Max's friends + Cal

Mother's Day with Cal

Saturday, May 11, 2013

7 months!

Our little Cal turned 7 months old while we were in Michigan!
Calvin-isms at 7 months include:
-Loves to be moving- - stroller, car, airplane, 4-wheeler
-Hates getting dressed, church, and big crowds of people
-Eats all kinds of things now, mostly fruits and vegetables
-Smiles and laughs all the time now! 
-Sleeps great, only wakes up once to eat
-Can't really crawl, but he rolls all over the place. He has figured out that he can pretty much roll to wherever he needs to go.
-Sits up by himself!
-Loves taking baths and showers
-He and Hobbes really interact. It is fun!
-Sucks on his thumb when he sleeps
-He is not super fun to read to right now because he becomes obsessed with eating the book...
-Loves to be sung to

I am grateful to be his mama.

Friday, May 10, 2013


Cal and I spent the week in Michigan to watch the 3 oldest Hunter children while Aubree & Craig went to San Diego.  Michigan is so beautiful and I love my nieces & nephews.

Highlights included:
-Cal doing fantastic on both flights!!
-Hope and Addy loving on Cal the whole time
-Friday night movie night
-Painting in the bathtub
-The Wirthlin farm
-Some pretty runs
-Dinner at the Williams'
-Hanging out at the lake
-Walking around the Detroit Temple
-Sunday morning waffles
-Greenfield Village with Christina


Hopie was obsessed with him

All of us at Krogers

Facetime with Dal

Little Hayden

Friday night movie night

Bathtub paint

Cal & Addy

At the lake

Sunday morning waffles

Sunday temple visit


Greenfield Village

At the farm