Monday, April 23, 2018

Lewis Dennis

Our sweet baby Lewis finally arrived. He came 36 hours before Dal got home, little stinker. He is the sweetest boy and we are so happy to have him here. Oh, and the delivery was amazing! I was living at my mom and dad's house when Lewis was born because Dallin was deployed to Afghanistan at the time. He was born at Alta View Hospital in Sandy.

It was Monday, April 23rd. My entire pregnancy I knew that Dallin was not going to be at the birth. He was supposed to get home around June and Lewis was due May 5th. My other kids were born a month early or more, so around 35 weeks I was prepping to have the baby any day. That did not happen but I had sooo many contractions from about week 33 on so I thought that I was in labor every day. Then I made it past 38 weeks! I was so surprised. Then Dallin came home early! That day Dal scheduled his flight to Utah from Georgia for Wednesday (it was Monday) and I was so excited because Dal was going to actually make it to the birth (ha!). That day the kids and I went to my grandma's to help my mom clean out her house. I mostly just sat on the recliner and talked to my  mom/watched my kids play. I had regular contractions but I wasn't even timing them because they had been happening so much for the weeks leading up to it. 

We came home in the late afternoon and I had to lay down because I was feeling uncomfortable. Calvin had a baseball game that evening. I came upstairs and told my mom that I was having a lot of contractions and that they were starting to feel stronger. She told me to take a shower just in case. As I was getting ready I was more and more convinced that I was in labor. During a contraction I would have to take a break from whatever I was doing to breath through it. My dad took Cal to his game + my mom, Maren and I were just going to meet them there. I packed a hospital bag in case I needed to go to the hospital after the game. By the time I was ready to go I was really in pain. My mom kept saying she wanted to wait before we went to the hospital so I wouldn't have to be there forever. I also wanted to labor as long as I could out of the hospital, but I was really in pain. We got into the car and I made my mom drive to the hospital instead of the game (Maren was with us).

My mom used to work in the women's center at Alta View and I was so glad because I really think that it helped speed things along. I could barely walk by the time we got up there and just kept asking everyone for an epidural. I got a room right away and undressed. When the nurse came to check me I was nervous that I was only going to have been at like a 2 or something and was just being a huge wuss but I was dilated to an 8! Obviously I would have really preferred to have Dallin there but at that point there was no going back and I just wanted him out.

I got my epidural right away, which was relatively painless. About 15 minutes later when my doctor (Dr. Smith who I LOVED) came to check on me I was fully dilated and ready to push. We had Dallin on facetime at that point + both he and my doctor were both wearing Utah Jazz jerseys because they had a game that night. Maren was there holding the phone for Dallin and my mom was there helping. It was sooo surreal pushing since it all happened so fast. I pushed for a few minutes and then he was here! I was very surprised that he was my smallest baby since he was much farther along than my other 2, but he looked healthy and perfect so I wasn't worried. He weighed 5 pounds 10 oz. 

So to sum things up- I went to the hospital on the weight to Calvin's 45 minute baseball game + Lewis was here before the game finished. I got to the hospital at 6:45 and he was born at 7:25. It was nuts. Best delivery ever. I really missed Dal (especially right before the epidural kicked in) but my mom, Maren + my doctor and nurses were so great. 

Max, Steph + Olivia had gone to Calvin's game so they brought the kids over (with my dad and Alex) right after the game. I realllly missed Dal for that but the kids were so happy and so freaking cute when they met him. Braden, Kaely and Lisa also came to meet him that night. The hospital stay was fine. I didn't sleep at all the first night for some reason. Lewis was a champion nurser from the beginning. My mom stayed with me a lot, plus Natalie Bell and Amy Hooton came to visit  (+ bring me delicious cookies). Sherrie and Elise also came. We were super ready to go home when it was time, especially because it was the day that Dallin was getting home!!!

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