At 6 months old, Lewis...
-Just barely stopped nursing. My milk dried up last week (which really through me for a loop after breastfeeding my other kids for over a year each). I was sad at first but we are liking bottles. It is fun that the other kids + Dal can feed him. Plus, he can hold it himself so that is nice.
-Laughed for the first time at Calvin!! He tickled him under his chin. It was around 4 months.
-He could roll over to his stomach much earlier than the other way around. This was a bummer for him because he didn't like being on his stomach.
-He crawls now!! It is still really slow but he can get around army crawling.The fist time he did it we were at Grandma Juanita's house.
-Doesn't sit up
-Likes the car but only the stroller sometimes
-Sleeps from 9pm-7am (still in our bed in the Dock-a-tot)
-Got his first fever at 5 months
-Took his first airplane ride (from Austin to SLC) and slept the whole time
-Feels pretty neutral about solids. He's had rice cereal and some table food but not much.
-Still super bald and super sweet.